
Power & Energy


Remedy your energy management woes with our scintillating solutions

Energy management can prove to be a herculean endeavour for organisations of all shapes and sizes. The responsibilities that fall under the umbrella term of energy management are plenty. You not only need to monitor energy consumption but also need to brainstorm pathways for cost reduction. That’s merely scratch-ing the surface of what energy management entails. To help you tackle such a wide array of responsibilities in a streamlined manner, our team of seasoned software developers curates the best energy management sys-tems. Our energy monitoring software is capable of handling managerial, financial, and other administrative tasks. Our technology-driven solutions also facilitate utility management.

Utility Management Software

We equip our energy management systems with the ability to maintain optimal functionality even in the face of unfavourable contingencies. Our solutions can appropriately monitor utility cost, and surmount difficulties in setting up efficient frameworks for location-synchronised meter hierarchies. We equip our energy man-agement system software with data normalisation to facilitate accurate monitoring of various types of energy consumption. The resources that our solutions are well-equipped to monitor include natural gas, solar, wind, electric, nuclear, water, and more.

Utility Asset Management Software

Our power energy management solutions help organisations in enhancing the productivity of day-to-day op-erations by optimising resource utilisation. We also assist companies with their tracking and documentation requirements. The systems that we create empower organisations to handle utility asset management, collab-orator integration, resource-faced performance tracking, and long-term asset viability management.

Smart Grid Data Processing Solutions

The high-efficiency levels promoted by the usage of smart grids leverage the power of renewable energy. We give rise to smart grid data processing software that facilitates the handling of large-sized and intricate information. The solutions that we provide foster data-streaming in real-time; come loaded with personalisa-tion-friendly dashboards and also integrate geospatial databases.

Demand-Side Management (DSM) Programming

Educational endeavours coupled with a promise of financial benefits can be leveraged to encourage energy conservation. Demand-side management (DSM) modules help with the same. They promote measures like utility controls that further lead to cost reductions and incentive creation. Our developers create tools using real-time information models that can also handle the administration of customer-centric educative modules and feedback generation.

Utility SCADA Services

SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems act as architectural components that future-proof energy companies. Even in the current scenario, they facilitate consistent power-delivery and cost-reduction. They are promising tools that are expected to be paramount to futuristic developments like self-healing smart grids. We design SCADA systems that amalgamate their core functionality with DSM analy-sis. At the end of the day, you receive software for your power energy company that is capable of handling transmission operations.

Power Distribution Management System

Power distribution management systems are integral to the optimal functioning of energy solutions. They not only maintain the trouble-free functioning of the entire distribution network but also tackle the challenges posed by outages. Our developers design the requisite technological framework for ensuring the cross-discipline integration as well as the core functioning of distribution management systems (DMSs). We pro-vide DMS integration with Customer Information Systems, Interactive Voice Response Systems, and Geo-graphic Information Systems.

Behind the Meter Energy Storage Systems

Given the global climate change crisis that we are facing, companies are increasingly turning to solutions that help them reduce their carbon footprint. Behind the Meter (BTM) systems undoubtedly aid in this en-
deavour since they allow buildings to source energy from local channels. The BTM software application that we provide integrates seamlessly with OEM hardware systems, and renders a great long-term payback.

Energy Portfolio Management Software

Technological novelties can help you in maximising the potential of your energy portfolio. The management systems that we provide cater to problems like procurement, demand management, and longevity-based re-source usage planning.

Utility Billing Software Services

Energy companies require systems that enable the provision of web-based payment solutions. Furthermore, energy companies also cloud-based billing systems to tackle accounting tasks in a centralised fashion. We provide solutions that cater to meter as well as non-meter utilities. Our systems also boast features facilitated by third-party integration with billing software vendors.

Utilities Field Service Software

Our software solutions also extend to operations concerned with field service. The tools that we create for this purpose not only deal with asset preservation but also engender protocols that help in dealing with pa-per-based systems and legacy architecture. Depending upon your requirements, we can integrate features like GPS service routing, geotagging, mobile-centric data capture, and more.

Digital Technology Integrations

We incorporate futuristic novelties into the software solutions that we create for energy companies. Technol-ogies like AR and VR sit at the forefront of the training and operation-based components of the tools that we design. To aid you with the curation of a materialisation roadmap for utility infrastructure, we also deliver mapping solutions powered by Computer-Aided Design (CAD).

Utilities Intelligent Workflow Programming

Automation is the next big thing as far technological innovation is concerned. We provide energy manage-ment solutions that capitalise on the power of automation and create workflows for tasks like outage man-agement, scheduling operations, organisational needs concerning digital safety work permits, and more.

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